Configuring the IMDG to run MapReduce jobs

After the IMDG is installed as described in section 1, follow the below procedure to configure it to run MapReduce jobs:

  • Each IMDG grid service (daemon) relies on the JAVA_HOME environment variable in its context to find the Java installation directory used to start up worker JVMs. On Linux, this variable is set in the /etc/init.d/sossd script. This script should be edited if the default JAVA_HOME value (/usr/lib/jvm/jre) does not point to the Java installation directory. (Alternatively, /usr/lib/jvm/jre can be configured as a symbolic link to the Java installation directory.) On Windows, system variable JAVA_HOME should be set to point to the JDK installation folder.
  • The ScaleOut hServer library JARs should be present in the classpath of the JVM which starts the invocation.
[Note] Note

If the MapReduce job is intended to be run from within another application and not from the command line, the ScaleOut hServer libraries should be present in the classpath of that application.