ScaleOut C++ Native Client API  5.1
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCsosscli::NamedCache::DefaultCachePolicyDefines default behaviors and policies for named cache operations
oCsosscli::SossEvents::EventDetailsA class holding information about the StateServer event that is passed to registered callbacks
|oCsosscli::exceptions::PmiCliInvokeUserExceptionThe PmiCliInvokeUserException Exception class is thrown when user callback functions to an invoke return exceptions
|\Csosscli::exceptions::StateServerExceptionBase exception type for errors returned from the ScaleOut StateServer service
| oCsosscli::exceptions::AppNameInUseExceptionException that is thrown when application name is already in use
| oCsosscli::exceptions::AuthorizationNotNeededExceptionException that is thrown when authorization calls are used in an application does not use authorization
| oCsosscli::exceptions::BadArgsExceptionException that is thrown when invalid argument values (null pointer, etc) are provided to an API call
| oCsosscli::exceptions::BadHandleExceptionException that is thrown when an invalid or stale connection handle is used
| oCsosscli::exceptions::BadKeyExceptionException that is thrown when a null key is provided
| oCsosscli::exceptions::BadPropertiesExceptionException that is thrown when an invalid property specification is provided to the API
| oCsosscli::exceptions::CantAccessExceptionException that is thrown when there was an error accessing the local service
| oCsosscli::exceptions::CantAccessRemoteStoreExceptionException that is thrown when an object cannot be accessed from a remote store
| oCsosscli::exceptions::CantConnectExceptionException that is thrown when this client cannot connect to the local service
| oCsosscli::exceptions::CantInitExceptionException that is thrown when the ScaleOut client library cannot be initialized
| oCsosscli::exceptions::CantInitWorkerException
| oCsosscli::exceptions::CantOpenHandleException
| oCsosscli::exceptions::FuncIdAlreadyRegisteredException
| oCsosscli::exceptions::HandleBusyExceptionException that is thrown when a handle is in use for another storage operation
| oCsosscli::exceptions::LocalNameNotSetExceptionException that is thrown when GeoServer pull replication is attempted but the the local store's name is not set
| oCsosscli::exceptions::LowInvokerMemoryException
| oCsosscli::exceptions::LowMemoryExceptionException that is thrown when there is insufficient memory available to create object
| oCsosscli::exceptions::LowWorkerMemoryException
| oCsosscli::exceptions::MultipleLoginExceptionException that is thrown when another user is already logged in to this application on this client
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NoActiveRemoteStoresExceptionException that is thrown when none of the remote stores specified for GeoServer pull replication exist or are active
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NotAuthorizedExceptionException that is thrown when user is not authorized to perform an operation
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NotImplementedExceptionException that is thrown when a requested operation is not implemented
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NotInCallbackException
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NotLicensedExceptionException that is thrown when a feature has not been licensed (API usage, remote client access, PMI operations)
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NotReadingExceptionException that is thrown when a read operation is not active
| oCsosscli::exceptions::NotReadyExceptionException that is thrown when the store is not ready to perform this operation
| oCsosscli::exceptions::ObjectExistsExceptionException that is thrown when an object cannot be created because it already exists
| oCsosscli::exceptions::ObjectLockedExceptionException that is thrown when an object was locked with with a different lock ticket
| oCsosscli::exceptions::ObjectNotFoundExceptionException that is thrown when an object is not found
| oCsosscli::exceptions::ObjectReadingExceptionException that is thrown when an object does not exist but a backing store read-through is in progress
| oCsosscli::exceptions::OperationFailedExceptionException that is thrown when an operation fails
| oCsosscli::exceptions::ProxyFoundExceptionException that is thrown when a GeoServer proxy object was found on a remote store read
| oCsosscli::exceptions::TimeoutExceptionException that is thrown when a timeout occurred while performing the requested operation
| \Csosscli::exceptions::VersionMismatchExceptionException that is thrown when a version mismatch is detected during an optimistic locking update
|oCsosscli::exceptions::PmiCliInvokeUserExceptionThe PmiCliInvokeUserException Exception class is thrown when user callback functions to an invoke return exceptions
|\Csosscli::exceptions::StateServerExceptionBase exception type for errors returned from the ScaleOut StateServer service
oCsosscli::ExpressionComparandA common base class / interface for the two types of operands that can occur within a ComparisonExpression or a StringContainsExpression: ValueOperand and ReferenceOperand
|oCsosscli::ReferenceComparandA ReferenceComparand node holds a string used to identify a field or property within objects persisted to StateServer via a TypedNamedCache::put(), TypedNamedCache::insert(), or TypedNamedCache::update() method
|\Csosscli::ValueComparandA ValueComparand node holds a literal value to be compared with a field or property within objects persisted to StateServer via a TypedNamedCache::put(), TypedNamedCache::insert(), or TypedNamedCache::update() method
oCsosscli::FilterAn object that holds a filtering expression which is used by NamedCache::query to determine which objects in the NamedCache to return
oCsosscli::GetMetadataOptionsOptions that control behavior of metadata retrieval operations
oCsosscli::GetMetadataResultResult of a get_metadata operation
oCsosscli::GetOptions< T >The GetOptions class contains options that control locking and client cache behavior of get operations
oCsosscli::GetResult< T >The GetResult class represents the result of a get operation and provides a smart pointer to the retrieved object
oCsosscli::LockOptionsOptions that control the blocking and retry behavior of the NamedCache::lock method
oCsosscli::LockResultResult of a lock operation
oCsosscli::LockTicketServes as a RAII-style wrapper around the internal lock ticket identifier returned by ScaleOut's low-level APIs
oCsosscli::NamedCacheBase class for named cache implementations
|\Csosscli::TypedNamedCache< T >The abstract TypedNamedCache template provides access to a strongly-typed named collection of objects that can be shared across multiple clients
| oCsosscli::NamedPrimitiveCache< T >The NamedPrimitiveCache class provides access to a named collection of primitive objects that can be shared across multiple clients
| \Csosscli::NamedProtobufCache< T >A concrete TypedNamedCache<T> implementation that expects Google Protocol Buffers Message instances as the objects stored in the StateServer cache
oCsosscli::ObjectMetadataExtended (read-only) object information from the SOSS store for a given object
oCsosscli::ObjectPolicyExtended parameter information for the TypedNamedCache::insert and TypedNamedCache.put methods
oCsosscli::PmicliInvokeOptionsOptions that control the behavior of the NamedCache::pmicli_invoke method
oCsosscli::PmicliInvokeResultResult of a pmicli_invoke operation and provides a smart pointer to the results object
oCsosscli::exceptions::PmiCliUserExceptionCodeUser-generated exception code
oCsosscli::PutOptionsOptions that control client cache behavior of put operations
oCsosscli::PutResultResult of a put, insert, or update operation
oCsosscli::QueryExpressionServes as an abstract base class for the abstract syntax tree nodes used in Filter expressions
oCsosscli::QueryResultResult of a query operation, providing access to the keys returned from a query
oCsosscli::RemoveResultResult of a remove operation
oCsosscli::SossEventsManages the registration and unregistration of handlers for asynchronous StateServer object events
oCsosscli::SossKeyServes as an identifier for a cached object in a NamedCache collection
\Csosscli::QueryExpression::VisitorThe QueryExpression visitor base class