Table of Contents

Class InvocationGridManager


Deploys Invocation Grid worker applications to systems running the ScaleOut service.

public static class InvocationGridManager
Inherited Members


AttachToRunningWorker(GridConnection, string, ushort, byte[])

Starts an Invocation Grid by signaling an already-running worker process.

AttachToRunningWorker(GridConnection, string, ushort, byte[], InvocationGridOptions)

Starts an Invocation Grid by signaling an already-running worker process.

DeployZipThroughService(GridConnection, string, string, string, string, byte[])

Deploys an Invocation Grid worker application that has been packaged as a zip file.

DeployZipThroughService(GridConnection, string, string, string, string, byte[], InvocationGridOptions)

Deploys an Invocation Grid worker application that has been packaged as a zip file.


Gets the Invocation Grids that are currently running in the ScaleOut service.

StartLocalDevIG(GridConnection, string, string, string, string, byte[])

Starts an Invocation Grid worker using an executable on the local filesystem. Suitable only for development on a standalone (single-host) ScaleOut store that has the ScaleOut service running locally.

StartLocalDevIG(GridConnection, string, string, string, string, byte[], InvocationGridOptions)

Starts an Invocation Grid worker using an executable on the local filesystem. Suitable only for development on a standalone (single-host) ScaleOut store that has the ScaleOut service running locally.

StartPreinstalledIG(GridConnection, string, string, string, string, byte[])

Starts an Invocation Grid worker that has already been deployed to the filesystem on every ScaleOut host under C:\ProgramData\ScaleOut Software\PreinstalledIG (Windows) or /usr/share/ScaleOut Software/PreinstalledIG (Linux).

StartPreinstalledIG(GridConnection, string, string, string, string, byte[], InvocationGridOptions)

Starts an Invocation Grid worker that has already been deployed to the filesystem on every ScaleOut host under C:\ProgramData\ScaleOut Software\PreinstalledIG (Windows) or /usr/share/ScaleOut Software/PreinstalledIG (Linux).

StopIG(GridConnection, string)

Sends a stop signal to an Invocation Grid.