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Method AttachToRunningWorker


AttachToRunningWorker(GridConnection, string, ushort, byte[], InvocationGridOptions)

Starts an Invocation Grid by signaling an already-running worker process.

public static void AttachToRunningWorker(GridConnection conn, string igName, ushort startupPort, byte[] startupParam, InvocationGridOptions options)


conn GridConnection

GridConnection to the local ScaleOut service.

igName string

Name of the Invocation Grid.

startupPort ushort

Network port used by the running worker process, used by the ScaleOut service to signal the worker that the IG is starting.

startupParam byte[]

Optional, arbitrary payload that is made available to the Invocation Grid worker process when it starts up.

options InvocationGridOptions

An object that configures the behavior of this invocation grid.

AttachToRunningWorker(GridConnection, string, ushort, byte[])

Starts an Invocation Grid by signaling an already-running worker process.

public static void AttachToRunningWorker(GridConnection conn, string igName, ushort startupPort, byte[] startupParam)


conn GridConnection

GridConnection to the local ScaleOut service.

igName string

Name of the Invocation Grid.

startupPort ushort

Network port used by the running worker process, used by the ScaleOut service to signal the worker that the IG is starting.

startupParam byte[]

Optional, arbitrary payload that is made available to the Invocation Grid worker process when it starts up.