Passing Custom Parameters

ScaleOut ComputeServer’s Simple MapReduce framework can also pass customized parameter objects to the application’s Mappers and Reducers. The following sample demonstrates how to pass a parameter object to the word count Mappers. In this sample, the parameter object is used as a lookup table to ignore the article adjectives, "a", "an", and "the" during the map phase of the MapReduce invocation.

// Create a NamedMap input map
NamedMap<Integer, String> inputMap = NamedMapFactory.getMap("WordCount_InputMap_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
// Create a NamedMap output map
NamedMap<String, Integer> outputMap = NamedMapFactory.getMap("WordCount_OutputMap_" + System.currentTimeMillis());

HashMap<String, Boolean> ignoreTheseWords = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(3);
ignoreTheseWords.put("a", false);
ignoreTheseWords.put("an", false);
ignoreTheseWords.put("the", false);

MapReduce wordcount = new MapReduce(inputMap, outputMap, WordCountMapper.class, WordCountReducer.class)

We can get the parameter object from the Context class and we will use the Mapper’s setup() method to get and set the parameter object once:

public static class WordCountMapper implements Mapper<Object, String, String, Integer> {
        private final static Integer one = new Integer(1);
        private static volatile HashMap<String, Boolean> ignoreTheseWords = null;

        public void map(Object key, String value, Context<String, Integer> context) {
                StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value);
                while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        String word = tokenizer.nextToken();
                                context.emit(word, one);

        public Class<String> getEmittedKeyClass() {
                return String.class;

        public Class<Integer> getEmittedValueClass() {
                return Integer.class;

        public void setup(Context<String, Integer> context) {
                if(ignoreTheseWords == null) {
                        synchronized (WordCountMapper.class) {
                                if(ignoreTheseWords == null) {
                                        ignoreTheseWords = (HashMap<String,Boolean>)context.getParameterObject();

        public void cleanup(Context<String, Integer> context) {