Retrieving Object Keys


GET /data/{namespace}[?cursor={cursor}&count={count}&start={start}&timeout={timeout}]

A GET operation on the path to namespace will return all objects in that namespace as a JSON-formatted message body. The results are efficiently stored as system objects in the data grid for subsequent retrieval as a "snapshot in time" without re-running the query operation. The cached results can be retrieved by passing the returned cursor parameter as an input cursor to a subsequent query.

[Note] Note

Retrieving all object keys in a namespace is resource-intensive: it entails running a query against the ScaleOut StateServer service, which involves every host in the distributed data grid. Favor key-based operations against individual objects whenever possible, as they will run faster by orders of magnitude.

Query Variables

(Optional) Specifies the lifetime of the results represented by the returned cursor in seconds. The default is 5 minutes (300). This parameter has no effect when returning a previously queried result set identified by a cursor.
(Optional) Specifies the cursor returned from a previous query to retrieve the same result set.
(Optional) Specifies the number of results to return.
(Optional) Specifies the starting point in the result set to return.


If successful, the response will contain a JSON-formatted message body of a unique cursor identifier (used to retrieve the same results in a future request), followed by an array of object keys represented as bytes and strings (if available). If a string key is not available for an object, that key’s stringKey property will be omitted and only a byteKey will be returned.

Example Response. 


Response Headers
A unique identifier for the current complete result set, used in future queries to retrieve the same results (e.g., for iteration/pagination).
Response Status Codes
Success. The message body will contain the cursor identifier and array of object keys.
Bad Request. One or more parameters were invalid.