Object Operations

Retrieving an Object


GET /data/{Namespace}/{ObjectKey}
Request Headers
(Optional) The value from an ETag header that can be used for client cache validation. An earlier request for an object will receive an ETag from the server indicating its version in the ScaleOut service. If the object has not been changed in the ScaleOut service since the ETag was issued to the caller then the service will reply with an HTTP 304 (Not Modified) status, indicating that the client’s cached version is still current and should be used.


Response Status Codes
Success. The message body will contain the contents of the retrieved object.
Not Modified. The version of the object that is cached by the client is up-to-date and may be used.
Bad Request. One or more parameters were invalid.
Not Found. The requested object is not present in the ScaleOut StateServer service.
Response Headers
An opaque, quoted entity tag value that indicates the current version of the object that has been returned to the caller. This value can be used in later requests to perform cache validation or optimistic updates to the object. (See RFC2616 sec. 14.19 for details on HTTP entity tags.)
The media type of the object being returned to the client.