DataCacheBulkGet Method (IEnumerableString, String)Windows Server AppFabric Caching Compatibility Library
Gets objects for the specified keys from the specified region of the cache.

Namespace: Soss.Compat.WSAF
Assembly: soss_wsaf_compat (in soss_wsaf_compat.dll) Version: (

public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Object>> BulkGet(
	IEnumerable<string> keys,
	string region


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableString
List of keys for the objects to retrieve, cannot be null.
Type: SystemString
Name of the region, cannot be null.

Return Value

Type: IEnumerableKeyValuePairString, Object
A list of key/values pairs that match the input keys.

If the keys or region parameter is null, the BulkGet(IEnumerableString, String) method will throw a ArgumentNullException for the null parameter.

If the specified region is not present, the method will return a null IEnumerable object.

If a key is not present in the region, the object returned by the enumerator for the key will be null. For example, the key/value pair returned would be {key, null}.

See Also
