NamedCacheRetrieve Method (Byte, Boolean)

ScaleOut Software NamedCache API
Retrieves an object from the named cache.

Namespace:  Soss.Client
Assembly:  soss_namedcache (in soss_namedcache.dll) Version:

public Object Retrieve(
	byte[] id,
	bool acquireLock


Type: SystemByte
Object identifier (must be either 16 or 32 bytes in length).
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates that the method should attempt to acquire or refresh a lock when reading the object.

Return Value

Type: Object
Object stored in the cache, or null if the object is not in the cache.

ObjectLockedExceptionThrown if acquireLock is true but the object is locked by another client.
StateServerExceptionThrown if ScaleOut StateServer is unavailable or has experienced an internal error.
ReadThroughTimeoutExceptionThrown if backing store integration or GeoServer pull replication is used with this NamedCache and the retrieval of the object is delayed beyond the number of retries specified by MaxReadThroughPendingAttempts.

This method optionally locks the object in SOSS to prevent other clients from updating or removing the object. The UseLocking property is not taken into consideration by this method. If the acquireLock parameter is true, this call will block until the lock is acquired or the MaxLockAttempts limit has been met. The lock affects both an object and its metadata, and it can be released through a call to ReleaseLock(Byte), Update(Byte, Object, Boolean), Remove(Byte), or SetMetadata(Byte, ObjectMetadata, Boolean). If no subsequent call is made, the lock will automatically expire after approximately 90 seconds. Passing true to an object that is already locked by the same instance of the NamedCache will refresh the lock by resetting the 90 second lock timeout.

If GeoServer pull replication is being used, the NamedCache's DefaultGeoServerReadMode property will determine this Retrieve overload's GeoServer read behavior when accessing an object in a remote store.

See Also
