All Classes and Interfaces

The BackingStoreMode indicates the type of asynchronous backing-store behavior that the server should invoke for an object.
The ByteArrayKeyEncoder is an implementation of a KeyEncoder for Byte keys compatible with the SOSS-JNC API.
The Cache class is used to make caching requests to a ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
The CacheBuilder is used to instantiate a typed cache connected to a ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
The CacheDeserializer is used to deserialize a V value from a N-length byte array.
Metadata for an object stored in a Cache.
Cache entry disposition is used by the CacheEntryExpirationHandler to tell a Cache what to do with an object that has expired.
Callback that removes the provided object from a backing store.
Callback that is invoked when an object expires in the ScaleOut service.
Callback that writes the provided object to a backing store.
The CacheException is thrown when all retries to connect to a ScaleOut in-memory data grid have been exhausted.
An attribute that indicates that the property or class to which it applies are available for queries.
Thrown if there is an error parsing a method annotated with CacheObjectAttribute.
The CacheResponse provides details regarding the status of a caching request.
The CacheSerializer is used to serialize a V value to a N-length byte array.
The CacheValueDeserializer is used as the default V value deserializer.
The CacheValueSerializer is used as the default V value serializer.
Thrown if there is an error parsing a class annotated with CacheObjectAttribute.
The ClientCache stores ClientCacheEntry's to speed up read operations.
The ClientCacheEntry is an element in a ClientCache.
The ClientCacheEntryWeigher is used to evaluate a ClientCacheEntry's weight in the weighted ClientCache.
The ClientCacheOptions enum indicates in-memory client cache usage.
Constants and reasonable defaults for configuring a cache from a properties file.
The CreatePolicy specifies per-object policy information when adding objects to a ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
The CreatePolicyBuilder class is used to create immutable CreatePolicy objects.
The DeserializationException indicates that an error occurred while deserializing a value from the ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
The EventDeliveryExceptionHandlerArgs class is used to store the NamedCache, Id, and Exception that occurred during a BackingStore operation.
The EventDeliveryExceptionHandler is used to deliver exceptions that were unhandled in user code during backing store operations.
An interface for filters that can be used in Cache.queryObjects(Filter, Class), or Cache.queryKeys(Filter, Class).
This factory is used for constructing query expressions.
The GeoServerCoherencyPolicy is used to indicate the type of coherency policy used for GeoServer "pull" replication.
The GeoServerPullPolicy enum is used to indicate whether objects added to the cache will be accessible to remote stores via GeoServer "pull" replication.
The GeoServerPushPolicy enum is used to indicate whether objects added to the cache will be subject to GeoServer "push" replication.
The GeoServerReadMode is an enum used to control GeoServer "pull" replication during Read operations.
Indicates that an error occurred while connecting to the ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
Represents connection(s) to one or more servers in a ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
This enum allows sorting of hashed attributes by priority.
The IntegerKeyEncoder is an implementation of a KeyEncoder for Integer keys.
The KeyEncoder is used to transform a K key into an array of 32 bytes.
The KeyEncodingResult returned by an implementation of KeyEncoder.encode(Object)
The LegacyStringKeyEncoder is an implementation of a KeyEncoder for String keys compatible with the SOSS-JNC API.
The LockToken is an identifier for a lock that is held on an object in the ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
The PreemptionPriority enum is used to indicate the priority of keeping a given object in the ScaleOut in-memory data grid under low-memory conditions.
Thrown if an error occurs while parsing a class annotated with CacheObjectAttribute.
The ReadPolicy specifies per-object policy information when reading objects from a ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
The ReadPolicyBuilder class is used to create immutable ReadPolicy objects.
The RequestStatus provides details on the status of a caching request.
The SerializationException indicates that an error occurred while serializing a value to the ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
Manages event callback registration for Cache instances.
Indicates that an error occurred while connecting to the ScaleOut in-memory data grid.
Maintains an in-process cache of string keys.
The StringKeyEncoder is an implementation of a KeyEncoder for String keys that is not compatible with the SOSS-JNC API.
Objects of classes implementing this interface can hold arbitrary tags scoped by the object's Cache.
An implementation of Taggable.
The TimeoutType enum is used to indicate the type of timeout an object uses.
The UuidKeyEncoder is an implementation of a KeyEncoder for UUID keys compatible with the SOSS-JNC API.
Call back used to load objects into a Cache.
Created by a ValueFactory implementation.
The VersionToken is an identifier for the version of an object stored in the ScaleOut in-memory data grid.