Table of Contents


Establishing a Dependency Relationship

This example illustrates how to establish a dependency relationship between a parent object and two child objects using a CreatePolicy that contains a list of DependencySpec entries. Removing the parent object causes all of its children (and their children, if any) to be removed.

async Task AddWithDependency(Cache<string, string> cache)
    // Add parent object:
    await cache.AddAsync("Primates", "large brains, stereoscopic vision");

    // Create dependency specification for use with child objects:
    var policyBuilder = cache.GetPolicyBuilder();
    policyBuilder.AddDependency(cache, "Primates");

    // Add dependent child objects:
    var policy = policyBuilder.Build();
    await cache.AddAsync("Strepsirrhini", "wet-nosed primates", policy);
    await cache.AddAsync("Haplorhini", "dry-nosed primates", policy);

    // Removing/updating a parent causes children to expire:
    await cache.RemoveAsync("Primates");

    var response = await cache.ReadAsync("Strepsirrhini");
    // output: NotFound

Retrieving Dependency Information

This example illustrates how to use the GetMetadataAsync(TKey, CancellationToken) method to retrieve dependency information about an existing object that resides in the ScaleOut service.

async Task GetDependencyMetadata(Cache<string, string> cache)
    // Add 2 parent objects to be associated with a child:
    await cache.AddAsync("Parent1 key", "Parent1 payload");
    await cache.AddAsync("Parent2 key", "Parent2 payload");

    // Create dependency specification for use with child object:
    var policyBuilder = cache.GetPolicyBuilder();
    policyBuilder.AddDependency(cache, "Parent1 key");
    policyBuilder.AddDependency(cache, "Parent2 key");

    // Add dependent child object to cache:
    var policy = policyBuilder.Build();
    await cache.AddAsync("Child key", "Child payload", policy);

    // Retrieve metadata from the server to get dependency information
    // about an existing child object:
    var metadataResponse = await cache.GetMetadataAsync("Child key");
    var metadata = metadataResponse.Value;

    // Use DependencySpec.ToKey() to decode parent specs back to their original string type:
    var decodedParentKeys = metadata.Parents.Select(depSpec => depSpec.ToKey(cache));

    foreach (var dpk in decodedParentKeys)

    // output: 
    //    Parent1 key
    //    Parent2 key

Dependency Notifications

An application can be notified of the removal of an object due to a dependency relationship by supplying a callback to the ServiceEvents.SetExpirationHandlerAsync method See Expiration Events for details.