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Querying for Tags

This example illustrates how to associate one or more tags (arbitrary string metadata values) with an object in the ScaleOut Service and then perform a basic query against a cache based on tag values.

Adding Tag Metadata

Methods on the Cache<TKey, TValue> class that add or update an object can also accept an optional tags argument, an enumerable collection of strings to associate with the object being added/updated. The following example illustrates how to set tags on an object using the AddAsync method:

var conn = await GridConnection.ConnectAsync("bootstrapGateways=localhost:721");
var cache = new CacheBuilder<int, string>("presidents", conn).Build();

// Add presidents, tagged with party affiliation and state where born:
await cache.AddAsync(12, "Zachary Taylor",   tags: new[]{ "Whig", "Virgina" });
await cache.AddAsync(13, "Millard Fillmore", tags: new[]{ "Whig", "New York" });
await cache.AddAsync(14, "Franklin Pierce",  tags: new[]{ "Democratic", "New Hampshire" });

Querying for Tag Values

To query for objects with tag values, use the QueryObjects() method to get an IQueryable instance that allows you to run queries against the ScaleOut service several LINQ operators. The following extension methods allow a LINQ query to filter results based on objects' tags:

A simple, tag-based query based on the two objects added above would look like this:

// Find president(s) affiliated with Whig party:
var whigQuery = cache.QueryObjects().WithAllTags("Whig");
foreach (var pres in whigQuery)

// Output: Millard Fillmore
//         Zachary Taylor

If you would rather have the query retrieve just the keys to the objects rather than the objects themselves, apply the SelectKeys operator to the query:

// Find keys to presidents born in New Hampshire:
var nhQuery = cache.QueryObjects().WithAllTags("New Hampshire")
foreach (var cacheKey in nhQuery)

// Output: 14